Kentucky Domestic Violence Victims May Suffer TBIs

December 12, 2019

By Grossman Green PLLC

The professional football season is well underway, meaning that many people in Kentucky are rooting for their favorite teams and hoping that their favorite players stay injury-free. This time of year also brings attention to an issue that is prevalent among football players: traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. It is understandable how playing a high-impact sport can lead to a TBI. However, there are many people who suffer TBIs at the hands of others, in acts of domestic violence.

According to some studies, as many as 90 percent of women who go to the emergency room following an act of domestic violence or seek help at area shelters have experienced a TBI. A TBI takes place when a person suffers a blow to the head that impacts the healthy functioning of their brain. A TBI can lead to loss of consciousness, memory and vision issues and muscle weakness.

While professional athletes, soldiers and car accident victims may seem to be likely victims of a TBI, it is important to bring attention to the fact that sometimes a TBI can be caused by an act of domestic violence. And, if the TBI was the result of negligence or an act of assault or battery, it may be necessary to determine if pursuing a civil claim against the responsible party is a possibility.

Domestic violence is a serious issue, and one that often goes unreported. However, in addition to staying safe from their abusers, those who have suffered from a TBI due to domestic violence could face life-long health issues. It is in situations like these that exploring the possibility of legal action may help the victim as they recover from a brain or spinal cord injury.
