Fearless Advocates For Injured Victims

Helping Clients Seek Maximum Compensation for Over 35 Years

Louisville Attorneys for Nursing Home Falls

Has Your Loved One Suffered a Fall Due to Nursing Home Negligence?

In the U.S., millions of people live in nursing homes. These are commonly older individuals, most of whom have physical and/or mental disabilities that make them particularly vulnerable to falls. Because of this, it is vital that nursing home administrators have staff trained with policies in place to prevent falls and, where they have occurred, to properly recognize and treat any resulting injuries. However, this is not always the case; negligence and carelessness in nursing home staff is a frequent cause of injury to residents for a variety of reasons.

Our legal team at Grossman Green PLLC is especially sensitive to the needs of our most vulnerable citizens who must depend on others for their care and wellbeing. Nursing home residents are often afraid or unable to express themselves when subjected to neglect or abuse. That is why family members and friends must be remain vigilant. If you believe your loved has suffered a debilitating fall due to improper care, we recommend that you seek our help. Our Louisville lawyers for nursing home falls have the experience and resources you need to protect your loved one’s rights. We can provide the voice needed to ensure that they do not suffer unnecessarily in nursing homes and other care facilities.

Nursing Home Falls & Medical Malpractice

Even in those facilities that provide the highest standards of care, residents are at risk of falls. Where care becomes substandard, where facilities are understaffed and/or staffers are overworked, inexperienced, poorly trained, or poorly paid, the risk of falls will rise.

Unsupervised residents can easily fall due to various causes, such as:

  • Physical/muscle weakness.
  • Instability due to overmedication.
  • Poor eyesight or hearing.
  • Problems with their gait.
  • Residual lack of balance, disorientation, or dizziness.
  • Slippery or uneven floors or loose or torn carpets.
  • Poor lighting.
  • Incorrect bed height.
  • Improperly maintained or fitted wheelchairs.
  • Lack of or defective walking aids.
  • Lack of bed rails, hand rails, and grab bars.
  • Lack of monitoring devices that alert staff to residents moving without assistance.

Because of their age and the common health problems associated with aging, residents who suffer falls in nursing homes can experience severe injuries. Common injuries in nursing homes include fractured and broken bones. The CDC has reported that the major cause of hip fractures are falls. Traumatic brain injuries are also frequently caused by falls. These are severe injuries for anyone; they are even more serious for the elderly who also have a slower recovery rate.

Nursing home residents on medications such as blood thinners, cholesterol drugs, and psychological drugs are often at a higher risk for injuries in such falls. Furthermore, fall-related injuries can result in depression, isolation, and anxiety. Residents who have suffered falls may become fearful of physical activity. As a result, their decreased activity level weakens them further which advances their risk of falls.

Contact Grossman Green PLLC For Assistance

Our firm of proven trial lawyers can thoroughly investigate your potential nursing home negligence case, bring in medical experts and other professionals to provide essential evidence, and take your claim to the negotiation table or to court. We put experience, commitment, and skill on your side in seeking compensation for the damages your loved one has endured.

Book your free consultation with a Louisville fall lawyer by contacting Grossman Green PLLC online or at (502) 657-7100. We serve Jefferson County and Southern Indiana.

Why Grossman Green PLLC Is the Right Firm for You

Experienced and Knowledgeable Team

With over 50 years of combined experience, our attorneys contribute their unique knowledge and background to help develop a winning strategy for the client.

Fearless Trial Attorneys

If it becomes necessary, we are not afraid to go to trial. In fact, from the beginning, we prepare every case with the potential of trial in mind.

Collaborative Approach

Not only do we collaborate internally, but we also collaborate with outside professionals and specialist in order to strengthen our clients’ cases.

Strong Client-Attorney Relationships

Our team strives to understand each client and their unique situation. In doing so, we’re able to develop a tailored approach aimed at achieving the best possible result.


Diverse Backgrounds. Collaborative Approach.

Our team works together, sharing knowledge and experience to help build winning strategies for our clients.

Our Case Results

Thousands of Injured Victims Helped

Retained Surgical Sponge

$2 Million

Defective Products

$2.35 Million

Patient Abuse

$2.5 Million

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