Nursing Home Abuse Claims

June 9, 2022

By Grossman Green PLLC

Data collected from the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that 12% of nursing home caregivers admitted to neglecting their residents somehow. A common misconception is that abuse and neglect of nursing homes are the same. Although the two are similar, nursing home abuse occurs when someone intentionally harms an elderly resident. In contrast, nursing home neglect refers to staff members failing to uphold the standard of care in a living facility and someone being harmed.

Benefits of Filing a Nursing Home Abuse Claim

Filing a Nursing home abuse claim can have many benefits. Most importantly, it can get you the financial compensation you need to pay for damages and help you hold the facility accountable for hurting a loved one. Compensation can also help pay for:

  • Funeral costs
  • Medical bills
  • Mortgages or rent
  • Therapy
  • Household expenses (groceries, utilities)
  • Lost wages

Filing a nursing home abuse claim will benefit you and your family and your community. It will make others aware that the particular nursing home is in question for failing to protect its elderly residents adequately. This could also potentially lead to changes in the facility, so no one else has to experience the same type of harmful treatment.

Filing a Successful Claim

To file a successful nursing home claim, there are a few steps you should be sure to follow:

Contact an Attorney

This is beneficial to consider before attempting to file the claim on your own. Nursing home abuse cases can be challenging, and if you don’t have the proper education or experience, you could risk the chances of delayed or minimized payout amounts.

Gather the Right Evidence

This is another element where working with an attorney would be helpful. They can be a guide to making sure you have the correct supporting evidence to back up your case. This could include photos of injuries, your loved one care plan, and medical documents.

Talk to Someone

There are many organizations you can speak to regarding filing your claim. Some of which may be:

We Can Help

If you suspect your loved one is experiencing nursing home abuse or neglect, reach out to us. We have years of experience fighting cases just like yours, so you don’t have to be alone. Let us help you get the justice you deserve.

Call our office today at (502) 657-7100 or visit us online to fill out a form and schedule your free consultation with one of our team members.
